Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting feedback on Linkedin

I've been posting on LinkedIn for the Architect group and am getting some good feedback on questions I've posted there. One of them is, "what would you do if you couldn't be an architect anymore" premise. The site is a professional networking site that helps you connect on a level different than FaceBook or other sites.

What would I do? It's a toss up on what I would do to be happy or what to do to earn a decent income for the family. When the going gets rough, I realize that my options can't beat doing what I am doing right now. I'm my own boss (and he's a big jerk!) and I make my own schedule (23 hours is fair). I guess I could earn more, but it would come at a cost of an hour + commute, being beholden to someone else, and staying employed at the whim of someone else.

It think I'll stick with the devil I know, for now...

If you are a member of LinkedIn, please check out the ARCHITECT group and look at the comments on the discussions.

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